
Exorehabilitation Roadmap

2015: Launch and Founding

ExoAtlet was founded as a startup in Skolkovo, focusing on developing medical exoskeletons for people with locomotor disabilities.

2016: Product Development

Continuous improvements were made to the ExoAtlet exoskeleton, including enhancements in safety, usability, and load capacity.

2018: Clinical Trials and Patient Treatment

Over 6000 patients began benefiting from rehabilitation treatment using ExoAtlet exoskeletons. - Headquarters and développement team in Luxembourg, Technoport.

2019: International Expansion

CExpanded presence to Asia, Russia, the United States, and Europe, with over 70 medical facilities adopting ExoAtlet's technology.

2020: Global Certification

Received CE marking and FDA clearance, allowing entry into the European and US markets.

2021: Ecosystem Development

Started building an ecosystem for exorehabilitation, particularly in Europe, with Luxembourg as a central hub.

2023: Research and Collaboration

Collaborated with EU and US researchers on brain-controlled interfaces and developping the ExoEdu educational platform.

2024: Advanced Integration

Release of next-generation exoskeletons for various types of patients.

2024: Expansion in Healthcare Programs

Expansion of usage of exoskeletons, targeting more diseases by collaborating with international healthcare providers and researchers.

2025: New Product Launches

Introduction of AI and machine learning algorithms for personalized rehabilitation plans based on patient data.

2026: Global Partnerships

Establishing partnerships with additional healthcare facilities and research institutions worldwide, extending clinical trials program.

2027: Technological Breakthroughs

Implementation of advanced brain-computer interface technology in exoskeletons for more intuitive control.

2028: Wider Medical Application

Expansion into new medical applications, such as assisting in recovery from neurological diseases beyond mobility issues.

2029: Sustainable Manufacturing

Transition to more sustainable and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes.

2030: Pioneering Exorehabilitation

Established as a leading authority in exorehabilitation, influencing policy and healthcare practices globally. Development of a global community support network for patients and therapists using ExoAtlet technology.